This was the first year that the boys picked their own Halloween costumes (yes, I really enjoy coordinating costumes...). And let me just say, they were so predictable! Preston: Spiderman. Bryton: Batman. Archer: SuperWhy. So cute. I apparently have issues with polyester jumpsuits, so I made their costumes, but honestly, I'm not sure it was worth the effort. B & Arch loved their costumes, and Preston did too...until he saw the other Spiderman costumes at school. Apparently polyester jumpsuits are preferable to unique cotton. This will serve as my reminder for next year! Preston totally did not appreciate the time & effort a handmade Spiderman costume entails!
We took a weekend road trip to Seattle for John's cousin's wedding. It was a fun getaway, and the boys were even pretty well behaved at the wedding. Obviously we had to fit an Ikea trip in as well...and plenty of time in the hotel pool for the boys!