This was our second year taking the boys to Journey to the North Pole on the lake. Last year was fun, but this year the boys could really comprehend the whole Santa/North Pole story. Preston has actually been asking a lot about Santa, and wanting to know if Santa is real. I'm not one to try to convince my children to believe in fictional characters, so at the ripe old age of 4 years, 11 months, Preston is no longer a believer in Santa Claus. He enjoyed the cruise though, and was pretty excited to hear his name on the nice list, so the reality/fantasy line might be a little blurred for him! B bounced back and forth between watching the movie (Grinch), watching the water, drinking his hot chocolate, and trying to go out onto the deck (brrrrrrrrr). Arch was...well...Arch! Squirmy, cute, loud, trouble-maker. I attempted to contain him in my faithful
DUO carrier but he was too excited and spent most of the time out of it.
Santa's sleigh
To the North Pole!
On our way across the lake...

Santa reading the "nice" list. P&B were enthralled. Thankfully all 3 boys made the list. :) Now they just need to stay there...preferably indefinitely!

Arch kept pointing to the lights and saying "ights, ights, ights!"

And when he wasn't pointing at the "ights" he was stealing John's hat and saying "my hat."
P&B were too engrossed in The Grinch movie & hot chocolate to care about being in any more pictures, despite me trying to distract them and convince them that the lights were so pretty. After they saw Santa, they zoned out.
Your pics turned out so cute! That is a fun thing to do. My boys really enjoyed it last year too.