We celebrated Preston's 6th birthday on January 1st. I still can't believe he's six! He had a few birthday requests that were pretty easy to fulfill: 1. He wanted to decorate a gingerbread house at his party 2. He wanted to play pin the tail on the donkey 3. He wanted hamburgers and sweet potato fries 4. He wanted me to hide his presents Aaahhhh, to be six! We were able to fulfill his wishes, and he thought his birthday was pretty spectacular (might have had something to do with the multitude of small children running through the house on a complete sugar high thanks to the cake, ice cream, and gingerbread...). We ended the day at Red Robin where he had a burger and fries (changed his mind on the sweet potato fries though!) and of course had his birthday sundae which he graciously shared with his brothers. A seriously good day. As was the day 6 years (and 8 days ago) when we became parents to this amazing kid. At 6: 1. Preston loves outside stuff (fishing, camping, bike rides, etc.) 2. Loves to read. He's doing really well at independent reading and can read books like "Hop on Pop" by himself. 3. Loves building stuff (marble chute and Legos are his top choices but anything will do) 4. Loves to help and takes his job as big brother very seriously (sometimes too seriously). 5. He wants to move to a house with a bigger yard so he can have a cow. (!) 6. He's sweet. Incredibly sweet. Sometimes I am amazed that he is only six because he says things that are incredibly insightful.

Searching for his presents


The gingerbread extravaganza

Pin the tail on the donkey

Dinosaur bones cake

The boy and the candles - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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