Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Garden

Despite the snow, hail, wind, and frigid temperatures, we finished planting our Spring garden today! Normally, I wouldn't have planted it quite this early, but since we're going on vacation soon, I am feeling a bit of a time crunch. Plus, I started my seeds a few weeks ago (a month maybe?) and they were getting a bit out of hand already!

Our garden has required a LOT of prep work...first the fence, then some major excavation to clear a garden area, and lastly (?), massive amounts of pruning the trees that have been neglected for at least the last 10 years so that: #1, they will be healthy, and #2, they won't block too much SUNSHINE!

Thankfully, we have a friend with access to some machinery and large trucks/trailers! We ended up taking over 20,000 lbs to the dump (so sad but so necessary!). *by "we" I mean John!

We planted a bunch of new fruit trees (2 apple, 1 pear, 1 nectarine, 1 cherry, and 1 plum), and we have 1 more nectarine to plant. I also planted Brussels sprouts (not sure if we'll be able to grow these in the spring, but we LOVE them so thought I'd try!), kohlrabi, beets, carrots, kale/chard/lettuce/various other greens, radishes, broccoli...and I'm sure I'm probably forgetting a few things! After my spring seedlings were in the ground, it freed up space to get my summer seeds started. I have some that I need to wait a few weeks to get started, but most are going!

The boys helped me out with the garden by making row markers, and they also did some planting. I will admit that I made them go inside after the first few rows of seeds because it was so chaotic! I'm not really sure that anything got planted in the appropriate way or spot in the garden, but they are covered with dirt somewhere in the vicinity.

So now some garden pics! I'm so excited that it's coming together. I'm hoping that next year we'll be able to put in some raised beds, but it wasn't in the budget this year!

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