Thursday, January 9, 2014

Back to Reality

This week was the boys' first week back to school after break, and I have to say, I'm struggling to get back in the groove. I've also decided that I should probably be doing more "kindergarten prep" with Archer since we really haven't worked on anything so far...turns out he (thankfully) knows more than I realized, so it hasn't been too much of a struggle. Dare I say I am actually enjoying it??? And possibly the thought that homeschooling might be achievable crossed my mind...for about 1/2 second anyway!

The big boys jumped right back to school with no issues. They both love their teachers and I never hear any school complaints. I did get a call from the school the other day, informing me that Preston got a "little scratch by his eye" at recess. I was totally baffled that they were calling me over that, until I went to pick him up after school and saw this:
Oh yes, a little scratch, indeed!

Otherwise, we have been doing a lot of this:
Ender has been making the 3 trips to school per day with us. I tried to keep her off the seats, but I'm pretty sure she has claimed her spot! Silly pup. She also enjoys walking to school (but she sits in the bike trailer with Archer). 
And today, I spent forever organizing my pantry. It was driving me crazy. It's not perfect, but it's a huge improvement! I'm in organizing mode, but my attempts at organizing are taking a lot longer than they should due to a potty-training pup. But she's cute & sweet, so I'll forgive her.

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