Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well, I'm not much of a New Year's Resolution kind of person, but I do have a couple of goals for the year that I will blog about sometime (maybe). Either way, I figured I should start the year off organized.

I have a couple of issues with this. First of all, I am a slight perfectionist (John would laugh at the word "slight" in there), and I live with 3 small boys and a husband who is a complete and total perfectionist when it comes to things like people's teeth, but he is definitely NOT a perfectionist when it comes to a clean and organized house. I have yet to figure out how he made it through dental school with flying colors and loves his job that requires an insane amount of perfection, but he doesn't even see the mess in the house.

One huge problem area in our house is the small counter next to the fridge. We have lots of counter space in our kitchen so it doesn't get used for "kitchen stuff" - it's the drop spot for anything and everything. Not only is there a counter there, but there are also 2 drawers and some cupboards that are kind of for miscellaneous storage (in other words, stuff we probably don't need but can't throw away...and by "we" I mean John, because I get rid of things obsessively and I'm constantly on a decluttering rampage). So far I have tackled the bottom cupboards and I'm halfway through the drawers. It's SCARY. Good things I'm doing it while John is at work because he won't notice the things I'm donating, and by the time he reads this, it will be long gone! :)

I have also cleaned/organized 2 big closets in the last couple of days, but those weren't nearly as scary as this area is! Next up will be the guest room closet. Seriously, sometimes I wish we didn't have so many closets in our just means room to stash stuff!

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